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光环3中13个骷髅头的取法和位置功略 (★带视频★)

2008-4-6 13:31:28

13个骷髅头的取法和位置功略 (★带视频★)

☆HALO3里共有13个骷髅头, 9个金, 3个银, 1个UNKNOW☆


骷髅头: Iron

Mission: Sierra 117

How to Get It: You’ll need to go to the very end of this level to snatch up the second skull. Follow the path starting at the building on right (take the subterranean tunnel and you should be able to avoid some of the battling you’d otherwise face if you took the upper path), then climb at the end to the right-side catwalk and continue up, so you end up on the rightmost part of the ledge that holds the snipers who were trying to pick you off when you first dropped down into this section. Work your way to the left over the long walkway (yes, take out the snipers, if you haven’t already), watching for any stragglers taking pot shots at you from below (duck, if necessary). Jog to the left and the end, and again to the right when it turns, and at the very end you’ll find the skull at the right of the dead end.

What It Does: In the solo Campaign, it basically turns off the checkpoint system, so if you die in the course of a level, you have to go back to the start and do it all over again. In a co-op Campaign, one player taking a dirt nap causes everyone to restart at the last checkpoint. Ick…

骷髅头: Black Eye

Mission: Crow’s Nest

How to Get It: This is a pretty easy, fast one: When the level starts, look up and you’ll see a big pipe. You just need to get up there to score the skull. Head up the stairs at the far side, jump up on the green shelves, and then up again to the reddish angled girder that runs alongside the pipe, and then up on the pipe. Walk the entire length of it and you don’t even have to hit the Right Bumper to grab the skull, because it’ll immediately pop into your hand. Don’t worry about the rest of the troops…they’ll wait for your skull-diggery.

What It Does: Your handicap is that you don’t get an automatic shield recharge when you’ve been damaged and hang out for a few seconds. Okay, that’s only the first part of the handicap. The other part is, while you can bring your shield level back up, you have to melee an enemy to accomplish it. Yes, that’s certainly easier said than done in the heat of battle.

骷髅头: Tough Luck

Mission: Tsavo Highway

How to Get It: One of the key goals on this level is to take out the gigantic shield blocking the entryway of a building. After you get rid of the kitchen sink of enemies that are thrown at you, destroy the shield, then pass through the building and back out in the open. About halfway across the bridge, jump to the left and then down to the lower level to the left (after you’ve turned to face the bridge). You have to then jump around the bridge pillar nearest you, walk along the straight support and then look to your left: The skull is one more jump away on the rock outcropping.

What It Does: If you thought shooting at an enemy at a distance was tough, with them jumping and diving around, turning this skull on increases their elusiveness. Try to run them over, and they’ll dive sooner. Try to fire on them when you’re not close enough, and you’ll find your shot will pass through their dust cloud, as they’ve already moved from the spot at which you fired.

骷髅头: Catch

Mission: The Storm

How to Get It: This is a challenging one. When you get to the large dirt field with the Wraith sitting in the middle, you’re in the right place. However, you’ll have some work to do before you can hold the skull in your glove. And not too much work, or you’ll risk it’ll go away.
It’s best if you clear out many of the potential threats here before trying to get the skull, which is sitting on top of that small circular structure just beyond the Wraith. The important thing is to not take out the second Wraith at the far corner; if you do, the skull will go away. You just want to take out the first Wraith and the Ghosts that roam the center area, so it’s easier to do the job of getting to the skull.
Once you have most of the resistance removed, you still have the mission of reaching the skull, because there’s no ladder you can easily climb to get up top. And the front edge—the one facing the other trigger-happy Wraith—is the one closer to the ground, so you’ll need to put something there to get higher. (Some have said you can do a grenade jump here, but who wants to deal with the self-abuse when there are so many others who want to do it to you?) There are plenty of objects you can push up to the building, then jump up and up again to pick up the skull, so that’s a reliable way…but just watch for the Wraith’s blue blasts and you’ll be okay.

What It Does: Oh, boy…who hired baseball players as your opponents? This skull turns their grenade throws into fastballs aimed high and hard at you…

骷髅头: Fog

Mission: Floodgate

How to Get It: Right at the start of the level, head back down the hill, away from the anti-aircraft gun, and toward the buildings. When you get a Checkpoint notice, look up to your right and you’ll see one of the Flood appear on the building top. Quickly fire on him before he leaps, and if you time it right, he’ll drop it right at your feet. (If you don’t time it right, he’ll either drop it on the roof or zoom out of view.)

What It Does: As the slogan somewhat hints, you can say goodbye to your radar.

骷髅头: Famine

Mission: The Ark

How to Get It: Toward the later part of this level, there is a section where the path you follow splits into two areas. The one area is directly ahead and the other is off a path to the right. As soon as you turn right and continue forward, you'll notice a large structure jutting out from the sand above. There's a section along the right side of this section where a group of rocks sticks out. Scale these rocks and you'll be able to jump onto the structure. Make an immediate left and follow all the way to the last support beam. The Famine Skull rests in the outer most section of this beam, but getting to it will require a well placed grenade that will boost your jumping ability.

What It Does: If you pick up a weapon an enemy has dropped, you'll find out that there's much less ammo in it than you'd normally get.

骷髅头: Thunderstorm

Mission: The Covenant

How to Get It: At the point in this level where you are able to pilot on of the Hornets, make your way to the 2nd Force Field Generator structure. This is the one that has already been disabled by the Arbiter. As you fly towards this structure, you'll get a message reminding you it has already been disabled. Ignore it and land near the ramp that leads to the mid section of this structure that extends out over the water. At the end of this ramp, you'll find the Thunderstorm Skull.

What It Does: Each opponent will be given a field promotion that automatically ranks them up to the next available level.

骷髅头: Tilt

Mission: Cortana

How to Get It: This skull will require some skillful jumping in the large circular room where Cortana's voice can be heard saying that she likes "to play games." After eliminating any enemies in the area, look around until you see the step-like extrusions jutting out from the wall. One way to get on these objects is to find the short purple post nearby and jump on top of it. From here carefully leap onto the first set of extrusions to the left and then jump up to the right. Be careful of the beam that rests above as it will prevent you from being able to jump high enough to reach the top level. Once reaching the upper level of the ceiling you'll find the Tilt Skull in a puddle of muck after crossing a bridge-like tentacle above.

What It Does: Enemies will become much more resistant resulting in an increased amount of firepower required to eliminate them.

骷髅头: Mythic

Mission: Halo

How to Get It: This is another of one of the game's easier skulls to find. At the beginning of the level as you make your way along the snow covered ridge, be sure to stick close to the right side wall. As soon as you move into the cave from the outer ridge, you'll find a dark path to the right. At the back of this path lies the Mythic Skull.

What It Does: This skull will give all enemies twice their usual health.

视频 87MB


骷髅头: Blind

Mission: Sierra 117

How to Get It: No surprise that the first skull is in an easy location. When you come to a waterfall (you’ll be facing it), keep traveling to the path on the right of it and finish off the various adversaries in your way. Shortly, you’ll come to another small waterfall (from the back side of it), drop off and angle right along the cliff’s edge looking over the large lake. If you continue through the vegetation, you’ll see a stone shelf with a skull sitting on the outside edge.

What It Does: The good news is, this clears up your display a bit. The bad news is, it accomplishes it by taking out your view of the weapon, your heads-up display details and your targeting crosshairs.

骷髅头: Grunt Birthday Party

Mission: Crow's Nest

How to Get It: Go through the level until you hit the corridor with the bug-like flying creatures that buzz back and forth. Clear those winged beasts and then head to the end of the grated path. If you look under your feet, you’ll see a green and white arrow pointing under the floor, which is where you have to go to get the skull. At this point, carefully move to the edge of the grating, and when you start to drop down off the lip, push yourself back so you catch the lower entryway floor where the arrow is sitting. Then just walk the rest of the way to the skull that’s in the back of that chamber.

What It Does: Blast a grunt…you hear kids cheering and get a confetti shower (uh, from the grunt’s head) as a reward! No, the name of this skull isn’t some play on words. You get a little birthday party with every kill.

骷髅头: Cowbell

Mission: The Ark

How to Get It: This skull is found on The Ark level, and it is located in a section just after defeating the Scarab. Once it's beaten find the large building in the middle of the desert that is actually in the opposite direction from the building you are supposed to enter after this battle. Once you reach this structure you'll find a couple Gravity Lifts that will help in reaching the secret area that contains the Cowbell Skull. After snagging the Grav-Lifts work your way into the building with the Cartographer. There are a number of rooms to clear until coming to an area that has a bunch of explosive crates inside it. Immediately beyond this room there's a large ramp that leads down to the level below. This area sports a very high ceiling and a structure in the center next to the ramp. Place a Grav-Lift on the ramp in just the right spot and you'll be able to jump to the uppermost platform along the far side wall where the Cowbell Skull is located.

What It Does: If you like explosions, you'll like them even more as the Cowbell Skull will help make them even larger.

骷髅头: I Would Have Been Your Daddy

Mission: The Covenant

After defeating the Scarabs, and going inside, get to the location with all 7 Ring Holograms. You must jump through the rings in a specific order. That order is as follows (1 is at the entrance, 7 is at the end):

4 5 6 5 7 6 5 4 1 2 3 2 7 2 1 3 4 6 7 5 4 6 5 4 5 3 4

These rings also produce the notes:

E F# G F# A G F# E B C# D C# A C# B D E G A F# E G F# E F# D E

After jumping through them in this sequence, you will be awarded the “I Would Have Been Your Daddy Skull”. It will be right next to the bridge that brings you over to the Prophet of Truth.



视频 22MB


Mission: Cortana

How to Get It: In the section of the Cortana level where the three large generators are located, you'll find this mysterious skull. The skull is located on the ceiling above the doorway in which you first enter this room. Work your way across the center section and you'll notice the upper level is just above the pathway leading from the central area. To get up to the top, simply hop onto one of the purple buttresses on the right side of the path leading from the center area. Once you are on the buttress support beam, move to the spot where you can no longer move forward and toss a grenade. This will give you enough of a boost to land on the upper section that follows the curve of this entire area. Follow it to the right and you'll eventually get to the area above the doorway you entered and you'll find the skull.

What It Does: This skull does not show up under either the Gold or Silver Skull listings and it's function is still a matter of question. Some sources have mentioned that this skull is simply a duplicate Blind Skull that Bungie decided to include for whatever reason.

视频 13MB

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