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据传3.80M33解决BUG中 可能在明天正式发布

2008-1-25 11:39:29


*Update 2* Alright, we know we're a tad late for this, and we're sure some of you have already caught whiff of it already, but we're posting this for posterity's sake - to document what exactly is happening and to keep the others updated.

As commented by johnnyp_777 and FreePlay, we get some updates from Team M33 over IRC. Turns out they called it a night, and we can MAYBE expect the release tomorrow:

We finally spotted the issue but don't expect a release too soon, it will be released done and fixed. Thanks for your undestanding

please people stop releasing fake M33 binaries or I add the word "M33" to the spam filter, thank you for your understanding.

good news we found precisely where the issue is and are currently fixing it, then it will be "testing time"

Again a global will be issued here and at malloc.us whenever the 3.80M33 becomes available, there is no need for refreshing the dark-alex.org page

Ok it wont be tonight folks, we need some decent sleep in here, tomorrow MAYBE.

Congratulations to the team for finally pin-pointing the bugs! Hope things go smoothly from here on out! Remember, no rush needed... Hope you guys also got some much-needed rest!



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