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2008-6-25 14:25:20

游戏Wii的系统版本升级为3.3J,将早先的《塞尔达传说 黄昏公主》存档漏洞修补,会导致无法使用自制程序。但是道高一尺魔高一丈,Twilight Hack V0.1beta1现已登场,自制程序已经可以正常使用了。

=== Changelog ===

Changes for this version of the Twilight Hack:

- The Twilight Hack is now compatible with version 3.3 of
  the Wii System Menu.
- 现在 Twilight Hack 已兼容 3.3 版本

- Improvements in video configuration. The entire console
  should now be visible in all video modes, and scrolling
  has been improved.

- For the USA version, the two variants of the hack have
  been packed into one save file. Just select the save
  slot that corresponds to your version of Twilight
  Princess when you start the game.
- 以往两个版本的美版存档现在已经合而为一

- New savegame icons by drmr. The new icons now show which
  region that version of the hack is for.
- 存档图示会显示该存档的区域版本

- This version now tries to load boot.dol, and falls back
  to boot.elf if boot.dol is not found.
- 这新版的 Twilight Hack 会优先读取 boot.dol,如没则会读取 boot.elf

- ???????

- Many, many bug fixes.

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